Ink, on papers, in mailboxes… in fresh and creative ways.

Keep it simple.


Professionally designed communication for small businesses.

That is what we do for your business.   It's that simple.


We get those great ideas out to your future customers through Zimmerman Today, Princeton Today, and Milaca Today papers.  Our Elk River Today paper is starting up soon.  With complete coverage of 1,000's of US Mailboxes east or west of the Highway 169 corridor - your message will get seen in these communities. 


These papers are delivered monthly by the awesome folks at the United States Postal Service - Is your message going to be on the pages for all area residents to see this month?  Let's make it so. 


Contact the paper.

Send an email to  –

Call  – 763-856-4336

Large Color Advertising Spaces mere 
¢ Pennies ¢ per US Mailbox…


Advertising Price Sheet
This is current price information for Zimmerman Today paper, Princeton Today paper, and Milaca Today paper.
ZTPTMT Rate Sheet 2025.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 40.3 KB


Your advertisement inside local monthly papers delivered to 1,000 of mailboxes.  It's really about Your Business, not ours.

Papers Today

Box 2

Zimmerman Minnesota 55398


"In everything you do, put God first, and he will direct you and crown your efforts with success”

That's in Proverbs.

That is a prayer for your project as you move forward to completing it.